Posts Tagged ‘pet health care’

Why your pet should go to the Veterinarian regularly.

dog cat

dog cat (Photo credit: normanack)

Here are the top ten reasons dogs and cats go to the veterinarian.  According to the Veterinary Pet Insurance Company.

Top Canine Claims

Top Feline Claims

1. Ear Infections 1. Lower Urinary Tract Disease
2. Skin Allergies 2. Gastritis/Stomach Upsets
3. Pyoderma/Hot Spots 3. Chronic Renal Failure
4. Gastritis/Vomiting 4. Enteritis/Diarrhea
5. Enteritis/Diarrhea 5. Diabetes Mellitus
6. Urinary Tract Infections 6. Skin Allergies
7. Benign Skin Tumors 7. Hyperthyroidism
8. Osteoarthritis 8. Ear Infections
9. Eye Inflammation 9. Upper Respiratory Virus
10. Hypothyroidism 10. Eye Inflammation